Cycle Tracking for Conception

Learn exactly how to track and optimize your menstrual cycle (even if it’s irregular!) in order to prepare your body for conception.

You’re in the right place if you finally want to learn…

  • How to understand the menstrual cycle so that you understand what your body is doing each and every month.

  • How to harness the power of the menstrual cycle to try to conceive.

  • Which technology can make your conception journey easier (an exact list, for any budget!)

  • How to know if you need to seek the support of a professional (and who to book in with first!)

When you gain access to Cycle Tracking for Conception, you are getting access to my decade-long experience helping people like you who are finally excited to learn about their menstrual cycles and how they can help you conceive. 

Why Do We Track A Menstrual Cycle? 

You may be wondering why it’s important to track a menstrual cycle. Here’s why we do it: 

  • To understand if and when you are ovulating

  • To understand if you are producing adequate levels of your sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone

  • To become or prevent pregnancy

  • To understand if there are issues that could be impacting your cycle and ability to conceive

This is NOT your grade-school sex ed!

  • Cycle Tracking for Conception is a 30-minute course broken up into bite-sized lessons

  • You can go through each lesson at your own pace

  • You’ll receive helpful downloads to reference when needed

Here’s how it works… Through the power of Cycle Tracking for Conception you will learn how to prepare your body for conception.

Module 1 - Understanding Your Menstrual Cycle:

  • Follicular phase

  • Luteal phase

  • Abnormal cycles

Module 2 - Tracking Your Menstrual Cycles

  • Basal body temperature

  • Cervical mucus

  • Cervical position

  • Technology

Module 4 - Abnormal Cycles

Learn how to understand if your cycles are irregular - and what to do about it.

Module 5 - What Impacts Your Cycle

Learn what day to day things can impact your cycle and what to do next.

Module 3 - Timing Conception

Understand how to time intercourse for conception.

Hi! I’m Dr. Rachel Corradetti-Sargeant, ND.

I ama fertility-focused naturopathic doctor who has developed Cycle Tracking 101. I have been shocked time and time by patients who wind up in a fertility clinic when they don’t even have the basic knowledge of their menstrual cycle. We can save time and money! That is why I developed Cycle Tracking 101.

This is a 30-minute course for ovary and uterus-owning people who are hoping to have a complete understanding of their menstrual cycle so you can work toward conceiving even if you have no understanding of hormones! 

We do this by teaching you how to understand your menstrual cycle and learn how to track it, teaching you the exact way to time intercourse for conception, and how to harness technology to fully understand your cycle. 

Each client I work with is smart, special and radiant, but is struggling to understand their menstrual cycle and how to make it work for them to reach their fertility goals.

“Dr. Rachel Corradetti-Sargeant’s menstrual cycle tracking course greatly enriched my understanding of cycle tracking and provided valuable insights into conception. Highly suggest this course for anyone looking to conceive or simply enhance their reproductive health knowledge.” - C.K.

“Dr. Rachel Corradetti-Sargeant’s menstrual cycle tracking course greatly enriched my understanding of cycle tracking and provided valuable insights into conception. Highly suggest this course for anyone looking to conceive or simply enhance their reproductive health knowledge.” - C.K.

"I've always avoided understanding my cycle, it's usually just something I deal with when my period arrives. After taking Dr. Rachel's course I have a better understanding of what is actually happening with my body and ways to track my cycle naturally to conceive or avoid pregnancy. At the age of 35 this is critical information to aid family planning" - K.K.

"I've always avoided understanding my cycle, it's usually just something I deal with when my period arrives. After taking Dr. Rachel's course I have a better understanding of what is actually happening with my body and ways to track my cycle naturally to conceive or avoid pregnancy. At the age of 35 this is critical information to aid family planning" - K.K.

"I have never had so much understanding and clarity around my body, what it does day to day, and how to use this to get pregnant. Thank you!". - K.L.

"I have never had so much understanding and clarity around my body, what it does day to day, and how to use this to get pregnant. Thank you!". - K.L.

I know what it’s like to watch a period arrive every month and feel the disappointment of not understanding your body and not understanding how to conceive. 

I know what it’s like to feel overwhelmed by the oodles of apps and strips and kits out there and to feel confused by what to use and when. 

And I know what it’s like to wonder if there might be something wrong with your cycle, and if getting pregnant will ever happen. 

That’s why I created Cycle Tracking 101 - I want you to have complete knowledge of your body so you can trust in yourself to conceive. 

You can continue to spend 1000s on ovulation predictor kits or you can have a guaranteed up-leveling of your menstrual cycle knowledge. 

This is not what they taught you in grade school!

✺ Frequently asked questions ✺

  • It is usually $149.99 CAD, but as my beta test you will get it for $49.99 CAD.

  • Then it’s a great time to join to learn the when of TTC.

  • No problem. It’s never too late to learn about your body.

  • You’ll learn what the menstrual cycle should look like and how to ask for help.

  • No worries - we’ll be done in about 30 min tesand you can take the course at your own pace.

  • Refunds are not possible on digital material.

Time Limited Enrollment!

Time Limited Enrollment!

Cycle Tracking for Conception

Beta Launch

$500 worth of information all for…



Join NOW and you will ALSO get…

BONUS: 30 Fertility Tips

BONUS: 1 x 15 minute 1:1 call with me - Dr. Rachel so we can discuss your fertility goals.

BONUS: Access to unlimited questions via email.

BONUS: A special gift in the mail.

Cost = $200