3 Fertility-Friendly Smoothies | Fertility Naturopath

Here are some of my favourite smoothie recipes.

Remember, not to make any nutritional changes without a discussion with your clinician.

Raspberry Cauliflower Almond

Yes, adding cauliflower to smoothies is SUPER delivious. I have run

smoothie challenges in the past and this item is such a hit because it hides

so well in smoothies. Cauliflower is a member of the brassica family

meaning it is high in indole-3-carbinol (I3C). I3C is converted to

diindolylmethane (DIM) in vivo and is very impactful for hormone balancing.


1/4 cup raspberries

1/4 cup frozen cauliflower

1 scoop vanilla protein powder or your choice

1 Tablespoon almond butter

1 cup unsweetened dairy-free milk of your choice

1 dash pure almond extract

1 teaspoon flax seed


Blend, pour & enjoy!

Chocolate Frosty

Yes, I am definitely trying to replicate the fast-food version - and I think I’ve

done a pretty good job. Raw cocoa powder is high in magnesium, which

benefits female hormones, reduces stress, relaxes muscles, and reduces

sugar cravings.


1/4 cup frozen cauliflower

1/4 avocado

2 teaspoons raw cocoa powder

1 scoop vanilla protein powder of your choice

1 cup unsweetened dairy-free milk of your choice

1 teaspoon flax seed


Blend, pour & enjoy!

Blueberry Beauty

I wanted to kick it up a notch with this smoothie and really incorporate a

lot of ingredients we’ve used throughout the week. Blueberries are

antioxidant heavy and help with many avenues of health beyond hormones.


1/4 cup frozen blueberries

1/4 cup frozen cauliflower

1 handful raw spinach

1 Tablespoon almond butter

1 scoop vanilla protein powder of your choice

1 cup unsweetened dairy-free milk of your choice

1 teaspoon flax seed


Blend, pour & enjoy!

Looking for a fertility naturopath practicing at a fertility clinic in Hamilton and Burlington? You can work with me here.

Generic Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog post is not meant to replace medical advice created for you by your healthcare provider. Please remember to always discuss any changes to your healthcare plan with your provider.


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