Top 5 Foods for Fertility & Prenatal Health | Fertility Naturopath

It’s so important to focus on a healthy diet while you are trying to conceive and while you are pregnant. We hear so much about folate and iron during pregnancy, but I wanted to shine some light on a few lesser known nutrients during pregnancy.

Please be sure to discuss this with your healthcare provider.

Here are 5 Key Foods/Nutrients to Focus On:

  1. Fiber: This nutrient is extremely important for fertility and health during pregnancy. It’s often overlooked, but it can help with blood sugar control, satiation, regular bowel function, and cholesterol management. Here are few foods to consider when you’re aiming for a general goal of 28g per day:

    • Kiwis - 2 = 4g

    • Chia - 2 Tbsp = 10g

    • Raspberries = 1/2 cup = 4g

  2. Choline: We are learning more and more about the importance of choline each day. The major benefits are for cognitive and neural tube development of the fetus, as well as for egg quality preconception. Preconception requirements are 400mg per day and 450mg in pregnancy. Here are a few foods to consider:

    • Eggs - 2= 300mg

    • Chicken breast - 3 ounces = 72mg

    • Brussels sprouts - 4 ounces = 32mg

  3. Protein: Protein is a key macronutrient (big nutrient) that helps maintain muscle mass, maintain blood sugar control, to support hormone balance and egg quality pre-pregnancy, and to support fetal development during pregnancy. Numbers are very individual and should be discussed with your care provider, but we aim for no more than 100g per day in pregnancy. Here are a few foods to consider:

    • Chicken breast - 4 ounces - 30g

    • Eggs - 2 = 15g

    • Tofu - 1/2 cup = 10g

  4. Calcium: Calcium is important both preconception to support bone and teeth strength, and during pregnancy to support skeletal development of the fetus. Preconception amounts for women are 1000mg per day both preconception and during pregnancy. Here are a few foods to consider:

    • Yogurt, plain - 8 ounces = 415mg

    • Salmon - 3 ounces = 325mg

    • Edamame - 1/2 cup, cooked = 131mg

  5. Healthy Fat: This is another macronutrient (or big nutrient). It’s important for egg quality, hormone balance, and blood sugar control preconception and for healthy development of the fetus during pregnancy. We usually aim for healthy fat intake near 25-35% of your daily caloric intake. In terms of specific numbers to aim for, it’s important to speak with your care provider. Here are some foods to consider:

    1. Walnuts - 1/4 cup =

    2. Olive oil - 1 Tbsp = 14g

    3. Avocado - 1/2 cup = 10g

There are lots of others foods and nutrients to include in pregnancy, including folate, iron and zinc, but I wanted to focus on these 5 to get started. Thanks for reading. I hope this was informative for you.

You can find me at Conceive Health to learn more.


Before You Go!

Don’t forget to reward yourself with this totally free Preconception Chalelnge that will help you learn how to optimize your health preconception. It’s free and you can access it right away by clicking here >>



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